Channel Partner Program

Remitz is revolutionizing the landscape of medical billing with cutting-edge technology and data-driven insights.


We're reshaping healthcare to empower providers and patients. By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence and data aggregation, we're not just streamlining billing processes, we're creating a future where billing becomes a catalyst for innovation and progress in healthcare delivery.

At Remitz, we're not satisfied with incremental improvements—we're on a mission to completely transform the healthcare billing paradigm, ushering in a new era of efficiency, transparency, and empowerment for all stakeholders.

Join Us

Becoming a channel partner with Remitz enables you to directly impact the
health of providers as they fight to deliver excellent patient care.

Access to Cutting Edge Technology

As a partner, you gain access to Remitz's state-of-the-art automated revenue recovery services. Our advanced algorithms and data-driven analytics are at the forefront of digital healthcare innovation, providing you with a competitive edge in the market.

Grow Your

Partnering with Remitz gives you the opportunity to grow your business and expand your market reach. With our innovative solutions and industry expertise, you can position yourself as a trusted advisor in the digital healthcare space and capitalize on the growing demand for efficient billing solutions.

Expert Support and Training

We provide our channel partners with comprehensive training and ongoing support to ensure their success. Our team of experts is dedicated to helping you understand our products and services, as well as assisting you in marketing and selling them to your clients.

Types of Partners

Consulting Organizations
Billing Companies
Health Systems & Networks
Technology and Services Providers
Industry Associations
Healthcare Providers
Connectors who want to introduce us to great people

Partnership Levels

Something for everyone!


The Bronze partner is an entry into our partner ecosystem. These partners invest time to learn Remitz technology and processes so they can broker introductions of their contacts to Remitz. For interested clients, Remitz is here to help them evaluate if our services are a fit.


The Silver partner invests more of their time and training in the Remitz learning process. These partners achieve training qualifications and are granted more autonomy to support their clients through the sales cycle to onboarding. 


The Gold partners invest significant time in learning the nuance of the Remitz platform, its position in the market and how it benefits their clients. These partners guide their clients through the entire evaluation process and assist with onboarding. 

Become a Partner

Apply to start the process! Click “Join Now” to provide some information
about you and your business. Here's what happens next:

Review and Approval

Applications are reviewed based on qualifications and alignment with our goals.

Training and Certification

Approved partners undergo structured onboarding, including training and resource allocation.

Engage Clients

Once certified, you'll be ready to engage clients share the Remitz solution

Our channel partners